People often ask: “Which came first: the chicken or the egg?” This question can actually be answered logically. Another frequently asked question is: “How did life first originate on Earth?” To answer this and similar questions, we only need to rely on logic and observe what happens around us.
Everywhere in nature, we see that living beings come from other living beings. Furthermore, Louis Pasteur experimentally proved that “life only comes from life.” Based on this, it should be easy to answer the question of life’s origin. However, people today generally provide three different answers to the question: “How did life first originate on Earth?” These answers are:
- Life initially came from a Living Being.
- Life initially emerged from non-living matter.
- I don’t know.
Let’s briefly analyze these three answers. Answer number two, which claims that life arose from non-living matter, is the most widely accepted among scientists today. However, it directly contradicts natural laws. Although we see all around us that living beings come from other living beings, and Pasteur’s law confirms this, “scientific authorities” claim the opposite. It would be far more logical to say that the entire city of Belgrade arose by itself than to claim that a single-celled organism emerged from non-living matter because even the simplest living system is incomparably more complex than any non-living system. Therefore, if we are serious and adhere to natural laws, we must reject answer number two.
Answer number three, “I don’t know,” is also unacceptable because we do have natural laws, and we know how living beings come into existence. Some may argue that we only know how life arises today because we can observe it, but the question of the first life on Earth is different since no one was there to see it. However, if we follow this logic, we could never answer the question: “How was the Great Pyramid of Giza built?” since none of us witnessed its construction. But just because we didn’t watch the pyramid being built doesn’t mean it could have formed on its own. We don’t need to observe the construction of the Great Pyramid to know that it was created through the intentional act of an intelligent being.
The same applies to the first life on Earth. We don’t need to observe its origin to conclude that the first living organism was brought into existence by the creative act of a Living Being. Natural laws lead us to this conclusion. If we follow natural laws and logic, there is no alternative answer. Thus, the only possible answer to the question, “How did life first originate on Earth?” is that life came from a Living Being.
The answer to the question, “Which came first: the chicken or the egg?” now becomes self-evident. When we examine transitional forms, we see that the Creator made life “according to its kinds” and that chickens, along with other birds, were created first, after which they began laying eggs.
Beyond the question, “How did life originate on Earth?” another crucial question is: “How did each of us come into existence?” If we were to ask someone on the street, “How were you created?” they would likely respond, “My parents created me.” However, if we analyze the process of human conception, we would see that this answer is incorrect.
A person comes into existence at the moment when a sperm cell fertilizes an egg. However, the process of fertilization is highly intriguing. Many sperm cells approach the egg, releasing an enzyme that weakens its membrane. Once the membrane is weakened, a pathway opens for sperm to enter. At that moment, something remarkable happens: only one sperm cell, as if guided by an unseen force, performs the fertilization while all the others remain still. This cannot be a random process because, if it were, all the sperm cells would rush in at once, and the first to break through would fertilize the egg. But that’s not what happens.
Thus, the Creator is the giver of life. He can create us without parents, as He did with the first humans, or He can create us through parents. In the first case, it is an act of creation, and in the second, an act of birth.
For a more in-depth analysis of the origin of life, you can read one of the following documents: